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TV Online

Now In Skyblog placed online tv, hehehe cool. Please select what want to watch tv channels, select your favorite suit. We provide two sources of online tv, and both work all. Local and overseas TV you can enjoy here. But all that with one condition, you must have a fast internet connection, at least the speed of your Internet bandwidth 768 Kbps so that you can optimally enjoy Online TV broadcasts here.

Do not know what speed your bandwidth? Test here if you want to try to measure how fast your Internet connection.

What if your internet connection slow? Bandwidth is only mediocre? heehe could still be just a picture on the TV broadcast will be dashed. :-D

on full screen mode....!!!

May be useful .....

Have a nice day!

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Wooooww skyblog ada tv onlinenya??? hehehe keren. Silahkan pilih mau nonton chanel tv apa, pilih sesuai kesukaan Anda. Kami sediakan 2 sumber tv online, dan dua-duanya berfungsi semua. TV lokal maupun luar negeri bisa Anda nikmati di sini. Namun semua itu dengan satu syarat, Anda harus memiliki koneksi internet yang cepat, setidaknya kecepatan bandwidth internet Anda 768 Kbps agar anda bisa maksimal dalam menikmati siaran TV Online di sini. 

Tidak tau berapa kecepatan bandwidth Anda? Test di sini jika Anda ingin coba mengukur seberapa cepat koneksi internet Anda. 

Bagaimana kalau koneksi internet Anda lambat? Bandwidth cuma pas-pasan? heehe Bisa sih bisa cuma gambar di TV yang disiarkan akan putus-putus. :-D

Nikmati pada modus layar penuh....!!!

Semoga bermanfaat.....

Semoga harimu menyenangkan!

Football lover come in!!
